

Current graph


Current price of gold - world market


999.9: 85292.72 EUR/kg
750.0: 63969.54 EUR/kg
585.0: 49896.24 EUR/kg
375.0: 31984.77 EUR/kg

Current price of gold at Viaticum


Price for 999.9:
Weight (g):
Purity (g):
Total price (EUR):

Count the price of your gold


999.9: 2140.25 CZK/g
750.0: 1605.19 CZK/g
585.0: 1252.05 CZK/g
375.0: 802.59 CZK/g

Aktuální cena zlata vo Viaticum


999.9: 34140.97 HUF/g
750.0: 25605.73 HUF/g
585.0: 19972.47 HUF/g
375.0: 12802.86 HUF/g

Aktuális aranyár a Viaticumnál


999.9: 357.93 PLN/g
750.0: 268.45 PLN/g
585.0: 209.39 PLN/g
375.0: 134.22 PLN/g

Aktualna cena zlota w Viaticum
Next refresh in 30 seconds.
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We buy your gold

The company Viaticum deals with buying of gold. We will buy from you gold in any of its forms or purities (ergo investment sow, investment coins, or fractional gold, etc.) for masterfully best price in region.

Masterfully best price for your gold!

We will buy your gold at the most advantageous conditions- which you can follow also on our websites.

When buying 24-carat gold at volumes over 1 kg, we will buy it from you even more favourably:

- contact us for agreeing conditions of VIP zone.



Price of gold changes at the world market constantly as you can see it in our graph. Therefore, do not hesitate and contact us for the most advantageous offer.

Cash money for your gold- immediately

We will pay for your gold immediately and in cash according to current rate on market in that moment. Current market price of gold is depicted in our “up-to-date graph”. Module of “purity” depicts our current price, which Viaticum will pay to you for individual purities right in this moment. You can count value of your gold based on its weight and purity via our “calculator.
