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Price of gold

How will you count the price of your gold?

We have prepared calculator for this purpose which will count the price in very simple way based on weight and purity. We will pay you this price for your gold at the company Viaticum. It is not the matter of the price “market” but of the price you will get only at Viaticum.

We can buy your gold for the best price in region

Apart from that, we bring you also current prices which you will get only at the company Viaticum for kilogram of gold in four basic purities at our website:

999,9 - 24-carates
750,0 - 18-carates
585,0 - 14-carates
375,0 - 9-carates



Our graph shows current price of gold at the world market (according to However, we, at the company Viaticum will offer you the best price for your gold in region!

Purities of golden jewels:

24 carates - 999,9 g v 1000 g of gold
(pure gold)
18 carates - 750,0 g v 1000 g of gold
14 carates - 585,0 g v 1000 g of gold
9 carates - 375,0 g v 1000 g of gold
8 carates - 333,0 g v 1000 g of gold

(Note: e.g. the purest, 24-carate gold, contains in 1 kilogram 999,9 grams of pure gold, etc. …)
